Friday, March 10, 2017

International Women's Day.

Deeeeeeear Reader,

        It was International Women's Day yesterday. Hurray to all the women of the past that stood up to oppressive, male dominated cultures and said f@ck this we're getting a raw deal! Hurray to the women of the present for taking your talents and intellects and dreams and turning them into reality for the rest of society to benefit from. That is, after all, in American culture, what the women of the past wanted: to be able to contribute. Of course, that's what we all want, ultimately. Me being a man, I want the same thing: to provide people with a thing that uses my talents and abilities, and to be recognized for my accomplishments, and to feel loved. Sometimes I feel disenchanted and dis-empowered too. But this aint about me so... Ladies, I hope you felt yesterday (and everyday) a sense of empowerment that allowed you to feel ready to seize the day.
        Of course, if you are someone like Tomi Lahren, you have to make it about you, and have to have a controversial opinion. In many ways, and to many people (women included), her dialogue rings true. She spewed some energized hoopla about not being a victim, and how being born with ovaries doesn't make you special (and considering that over half the humans on this planet do indeed possess them, she has a point,) But, she (and many other far right, cynical republicans, I'm sure) have just missed the point entirely. It is, as I said, a day to recognize and memorialize the women's suffrage movement and remember not to take the women in your life for granted. Sure, some girls will see it as an excuse to throw on warpaint and diddle each other to the idea of burning down the patriarchy, but that sh!t's always going on, isn't it? Side note, with a horny toddler like Trump in the Big House, I can't say I blame their reactionary attitude in many cases. 
        Anyways Tomi, of course you aren't a victim, you obnoxious shrew. You're a gorgeous blonde whose mommy and daddy paid for journalism school and you got famous cussing out liberals on a national platform. But it's quite obvious, Tomi, that you are a polished pundit, an automaton. I can almost see the backroom writers at "The Blaze" touching themselves to you while they type out their screeds of cantankerous, hateful rhetoric in order to stymie any woman who dares try to recall times when women were systematically oppressed.
         I won't even bring up the fact that you are white, because I believe that argument to be superfluous in this setting, and an oversimplification to people's woahs. By that argument, every woman born white is guaranteed the same opportunities, and aught to be as successful as Tomi, which is objectively false, and there has of course, as we know, NEVER been a black female in front of a news camera. No I won't stoop to the level of race-baiting, though I can see why women of color so easily jump to "white people are evil," because of shameless women like Tomi wanting to tell everybody how they need to feel and how they need to deal with mistakes of this nation's dark past. People like Tomi give every excuse in the world to extreme left thought. (cut to: hypothetical meeting where someday, lets say in the year 2435, where a dystopian future has emerged and the left decide to exterminate all whites who do not adhere to the Marxist agenda, and they play a clip of Tomi Lauren as proof to why they all need to be killed. Everyone then unanimously agrees: Yup, f@ck people.)

 UGHHH I can't wait to live in a post-racial-thinking world. Not to deny the fact that different races exist in their own right, but to just not let such a trivail thing become an immediate prejudice. I'll probably do a post tomorrow on some readings and videos I've exposed myself to about writing "uni-racially" in order to encourage writer's diversity and diversity in casting. I think that's a very important issue.

        It is clear to me, Tomi that you are very empowered, and this is a good thing. But did it ever occur to you to use your platform on Women's Day for empathy, compassion, understanding, and encouragement in order to maybe lift the spirits of any woman (or man for that matter) that isn't as fortunate as you? Of course not, I have to remind myself that you, and others like you on both the left and right are just mouthpieces. Oddly enough, I understand that in this culture, many women DO feel empowered by your denying that women were ever oppressed, because they don't see it being a direct affect on their lives. But that doesn't mean it didn't happen and to a certain degree doesn't still happen.   
         Anyway Tomi, to the points on your video: 
1.Yes, there ARE women all over the world outside of the States, and other Westernized Nations that wake up every single day without basic human rights, but what are you doing about it, and how does that change the fact that this nation still faces some deeply ingrained gender issues? 
2.Yes, Madonna is a contemptible noise machine who is now musically irrelevant, so she spouts extreme left ideology for attention. Ignore her. The rest of us classical liberals will try to calm our side, but in turn, you have to calm the f@ck down yourself.
3. No, you don't have to be a third wave feminist to believe that women should be treated with respect in society, and yes, some of these women telling others that they deserve to "have their vaginas revoked" are just as bad as you. They are irrational, and have no power to debate, so they resort to childish labeling. Live and let live, and appreciate diversity of thought as well as other forms of diversity so that you can arm yourself with true knowledge that will enable you to debate, understand, and come to an agreement. (in a stereotypical ditsy voice) F@CKING DUH.  
4. Yes, overcoming challenges and adversity is a lot better than complaining about them, but THAT'S WHAT THE WHOLE DAY IS ABOUT. I've recently awoken to the concept that this political vomitosis is more a battle of applied philosophy than anything else. Can't you understand that as a republican, standing in denial that bad things happened and will continue to happen, doesn't sit well with people? Of COURSE wallowing in self pity and degradation doesn't accomplish jack sh!t, and painting oneself as a perpetual victim is counter productive, but we are attempting to evolve as a society, and in order to properly face grievances, some people express their thoughts differently. And while denying that "bad things once happened" works for you, some people need to get a little angry, or sad or stupid. I don't personally agree with many of the contrived hysterics that the left concocts in order to elicit a reaction, but to tell people to toughen up and deny, deny, deny is both vague and unhelpful to the basic understanding of the human condition.
5. Yes I agree with you on that point Tomi, NOT showing up to work would be a slap in the face to the women who worked so hard in order to afford you the opportunity to have that job in the first place. BUT I understand the point behind it, showing how society would virtually shut down without women. Though it is a bit of a gerrymandered argument. OBVIOUSLY shit wouldn't work if half the population didn't show up to do their job. I'm resisting so hard to point out the obvious, that if all men everywhere decided not to show up to work, one could argue that literal mass chaos would ensue. 
         My final thought, Tomi: pick your battles, @sshole. You are feeding the extreme left ammo and contributing to the never-ending culture of political partisanship. Even if you wanted to use some of those talking points to make a stand, couldn't they at least have been encouraging, inspirational phrases that give people hope, or to be thankful for all the blood, sweat, and tears the women of the (very recent) past have shed in order to afford the women of today, the women of the future an equal opportunity to thrive and produce and provide? Naaaaa f@ck it, let's use this opportunity to quibble about "whiny liberals". How productive.  
      Anyways, dear reader (I'm sorry I wrote this entry addressing Tomi, and not you...I didn't realize I was doing it until now,) I think this is just a part of our nation's growing pains in an effort to bring past grievances to the forefront that republicans have passionately insisted don't need to be addressed. Well, geniuses, clearly they do. It's like when my mother, tired and emotionally threadbare used to come home from work. She'd tidy up the house, get dinner started and by the end of the day, taking care of three hungry, obnoxious boys would break her and she'd be thinking "JEEZ CAN I GET A F@CKING THANK YOU!" and my dad would just stare stoic and vacantly thinking "For what? I've been up since 6am, worked 9 hours at a job I hate and just want to be left the hell alone, Where's my thank you?" And she'd be thinking "Well, I just cooked dinner so we didn't all have to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches again. You're welcome." 
        Ahhhhhh childhood, good times amirighttt?
        Maybe we, as a nation could use a day that isn't an "official holiday," where we all just bring flowers home to appreciate the women in our life just for the hell of it. Even Tomi Lauren couldn't say no to that, right? Oh. Wait. 
        So in a perfect world, we wouldn’t need a day to memorialize any past grievances, or to appreciate one another-- but this is far from a perfect world, and we are all far from perfect. So, women, mothers. co-workers, strangers with vaginas, even Tomi Lahren ... from the bottom of my heart. Thank you. Anyway, I'm gonna go hug my mom.

Enjoy the day and keep creating, dear reader.


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